The clock will dwarf London's Big Ben, once the largest four-faced clock in the world, with dials more than five times greater in area.
The around 130 foot (40 meter) diameter Saudi clock dials are also bigger than the current world champion at the Cevahir Mall clock in Istanbul, which has a 36 meter face set in the transparent roof of the shopping complex.
The complex overlooks Mecca's famed Grand Mosque, which Muslims worldwide face during their five daily prayers and is part of Saudi efforts to develop the city visited by millions of pilgrims every year.

Only one of the clock's four faces has so far been completed and is covered with 98 million pieces of glass mosaics.
Each face will be inscribed with "God is greatest" in Arabic and fitted with thousands of colored lights. The clock will be visible from more than 16 miles (25 kilometers).
An observatory deck is planned at the base of the clock.
A huge golden crescent moon, 75 feet (23 meters) in diameter, will eventually rise above the clock on a 200 foot (61 meter) spire, from which some 15 beams will shoot up into the sky, the agency added. The entire clock, from the base up to the crescent, itself will be 820 feet (251 meters) high.
German and Swiss engineers designed the clock and according to the Ministry of Religious Endowments, the entire project will cost $800 million.
The seven tower complex is being built by developer Saudi Binladen Group, the press agency reported.
sukur kita pada Allah dengan apa yang diberi bagi keselesan umat Islam menunaikan ibadah di tanah haram.bagi saya tak berguna juga jika sekiranya kita pergi menunaikan haji hanya keluar dari hotel-hotel bagi masa-masa tertentu saja,kebanyakan terperap dalam hotel saja (bukan Semua).harapan saya bila jemaah berada dikedua-dua tanah suci ini ambilah kesempatan berjalan-jalan bila masa lapang melihat keliling kedua-dua masjid ini dan kawasan berhampiran.sebagai suami yang membawa isteri dan anak-anak bersama, bertanggong jawab keatas mereka/bimbinglah mereka.jangan lepas tangan.dalam Al-Quran Allah ada menyeru kita supaya "jagalah diri kamu dan kaum keluarga kamu dari di mamah oleh api neraka".segalanya minta pertolongan dengan Allah. kita akan selamat dalam perjalanan mengerjakan haji itu.