Dzulkefly says hudud law proposal goes against ‘spirit’ of Pakatan policy
Tuesday, 24 August 2010 Super Admin
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider

Foto; Gambar Hiasan. Orang Kafir Selalu
Salah Faham Tentang Hudud
While several PAS leaders have come out in full force promising to implement hudud laws, a lone PAS MP has claimed that the party should not use a Pakatan Rakyat (PR) platform to push for the laws.
PAS central committee member Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said today that the Islamist party should only advocate its policies “within the democratic process”, adding that provisions for hudud laws were never agreed on or outlined within PR’s Common Policy Framework (CPF).
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written by cheekhiaw, August 24, 2010 22:24:36
written by cheekhiaw, August 24, 2010 22:24:36
Dr Dzul, Very easy. Just twitter to all Malaysians the names of those idiots from the dark ages...
written by Eskay345, August 24, 2010 20:54:18
written by Eskay345, August 24, 2010 20:54:18
"We are in ‘Self-destruct Mode’ again. Please have mercy for our members and well-wishers,” said Dzulkefly on his Twitter page.
Very well said, Dr Zul.
We, Malaysian voters who love democracy would like to be assured that PR elected-members from whatever party should be more careful and responsible whenever they open their mouths in making public statements. More racist and extremist opinions would only result in B-End retaining political power for many more years. Your aim to take over Putrajaya will forever remain a dream.
Very well said, Dr Zul.
We, Malaysian voters who love democracy would like to be assured that PR elected-members from whatever party should be more careful and responsible whenever they open their mouths in making public statements. More racist and extremist opinions would only result in B-End retaining political power for many more years. Your aim to take over Putrajaya will forever remain a dream.
written by Better My, August 24, 2010 20:42:34
written by Better My, August 24, 2010 20:42:34
Why is there a need for such primitive hudud laws in the first place? What are the motives? Pas want to be more Islmaic than UMNO? Under what circumtances would you want to implement? What would they to the image of malaysia if they are implemented eg The news and pictures of hands being chopped cut off in malaysia with gores galore scene, showing on prime time in countries that you want to attract tourist and business investments? Not so long ago, we did not have the stomach to caning women for some simper religious breaches. Chopping hands and legs are alot more drastic. Do we cut the limbs of the young and ignorant? Perhaps more education for the muslim to do the right things.
This should be discussed in greater length after PR set foot in Putrajaya for the benefits of those advocating of them.
Faith, faith in god or beliefs or religions must never be mixed with government. There is NO end if we go that path. If we allow it go that path, we would go in the direction of the extremist muslim countries, like Iran, etc. Surely we dont want that.
This should be discussed in greater length after PR set foot in Putrajaya for the benefits of those advocating of them.
Faith, faith in god or beliefs or religions must never be mixed with government. There is NO end if we go that path. If we allow it go that path, we would go in the direction of the extremist muslim countries, like Iran, etc. Surely we dont want that.
written by hellosunshine, August 24, 2010 20:11:21
written by hellosunshine, August 24, 2010 20:11:21
I think PKR and DAP should tell PAS off for not giving up the Hudud law. DSAI especially should be in the forefront to tell PAS extremists to zip it because if he is found 'guilty' in sodomy II and later when PAS introduces Hudud law, they will cut his dickie off or worse, stone him to death. However, having said that, I think it might be a good idea as almost all the umnoputras will be lined up for stoning, amputation or beheading starting with Mahalanun. After the cleansing, we can then revert back to secular rule. ![]()
written by asiana888, August 24, 2010 19:58:13
written by asiana888, August 24, 2010 19:58:13
Finally, someone from PAS is talking sensibly. I am waiting for YB Khalid Samad to speak too!
It never fails to frustrate us rakyats that someone in PAS is always pressing the 'self-destruct' mode! In this case, bringing up the hudud laws again.
Why can't PAS accept the current Federal Constituition as it is? If PAS wants to implement some form of 'hudud' in their PAS-controlled state like Kelantan, Kedah. Leave the rest of the country alone .... like that rakyat got choice ..... those who want to conform more to Islamic principles can go to those states ... likewise those who disagree can move to 'secular' states.
I may be too simplistic in my thinking but one thing for sure .... if PAS go head on in wanting to implement hudud .... I don;t think GE13 will go to PR!!!
It never fails to frustrate us rakyats that someone in PAS is always pressing the 'self-destruct' mode! In this case, bringing up the hudud laws again.
Why can't PAS accept the current Federal Constituition as it is? If PAS wants to implement some form of 'hudud' in their PAS-controlled state like Kelantan, Kedah. Leave the rest of the country alone .... like that rakyat got choice ..... those who want to conform more to Islamic principles can go to those states ... likewise those who disagree can move to 'secular' states.
I may be too simplistic in my thinking but one thing for sure .... if PAS go head on in wanting to implement hudud .... I don;t think GE13 will go to PR!!!
written by syd, August 24, 2010 19:57:07
written by syd, August 24, 2010 19:57:07
this hudud and syariah thingy is a malay disease. they are attracted to it, thinking that it will stop evil deeds and create a heaven on earth situation.
unfortunately, this is not the case.
The religion of islam is exactly like christianity was 500 years ago. It will take another 200 years before evryone get fed up of the ulamaks and dump religion from their lives and rule by god given logic and wisdom.
unfortunately, this is not the case.
The religion of islam is exactly like christianity was 500 years ago. It will take another 200 years before evryone get fed up of the ulamaks and dump religion from their lives and rule by god given logic and wisdom.
written by educationist, August 24, 2010 19:53:38
written by educationist, August 24, 2010 19:53:38
Isn't Hudud basis for the judge in saudi trying to get a hospital to paralyse the defendant in a case where the victim was paralysed by the defendant?
U talk on a platform that can get u a chance to boot the UMNOputras from Putrajaya!!
Talking about hudud now is pressing the self-destruct button as the good dr Dzul said!!
U talk on a platform that can get u a chance to boot the UMNOputras from Putrajaya!!
Talking about hudud now is pressing the self-destruct button as the good dr Dzul said!!
written by eloofk, August 24, 2010 19:32:49
written by eloofk, August 24, 2010 19:32:49
If PAS, together with her Pakatan partners will to take control of Putrajaya, dont ever forget that you come into power from the force that was formed to drive away BN from the seat of power.
As Malaysia is also like Singapore, which is a multi-racial and multi-religious society, PAS cannot just ignore this and force its ideology on non-muslims, which they can see very clearly how UMNO is losing its grip on power as they constantly use racial and religious exploits on Malaysians as a whole.
If PAS insist on going their way, then be prepared to lose power and witness the breakup of its partners which in turn, turns back the clock, and heaven knows what would become of the country called Malaysia for Malaysians. Only unity is strength to drive BN/UMNO from Putrajaya!!
As Malaysia is also like Singapore, which is a multi-racial and multi-religious society, PAS cannot just ignore this and force its ideology on non-muslims, which they can see very clearly how UMNO is losing its grip on power as they constantly use racial and religious exploits on Malaysians as a whole.
If PAS insist on going their way, then be prepared to lose power and witness the breakup of its partners which in turn, turns back the clock, and heaven knows what would become of the country called Malaysia for Malaysians. Only unity is strength to drive BN/UMNO from Putrajaya!!
written by Milo, August 24, 2010 19:09:21
written by Milo, August 24, 2010 19:09:21
If muslim leaders of PAS cannot even keep to the simple spirit of Pakatan thay have agreed upon, what moral claim can they have to say the spiritual law they adopted is superior to laws created by ordinary men? Just because you believe that your law is moral does not make it is your behavior that demo what is really the quality of your moral..if you cannot keep simple promises, it tells alot on what to expect when you come to power...UMNO is morally corrupt, but so are you, though in lesser is disappointing when ever you get religion involved in state matters ~
written by lynn, August 24, 2010 19:01:06
written by lynn, August 24, 2010 19:01:06
Hudud law = zero FDI
Zero FDI = high unemployment
High Unemployment = more crimes, more poverty
Until the day PAS can hold 2/3 majority in Parliament, pls get back to REALITY, no hudud law.
Zero FDI = high unemployment
High Unemployment = more crimes, more poverty
Until the day PAS can hold 2/3 majority in Parliament, pls get back to REALITY, no hudud law.
written by lynn, August 24, 2010 18:49:25
written by lynn, August 24, 2010 18:49:25
Dear PAS,
Many non-Muslims support your party in GE12 but we cannot accept hudud law such as stoning, chopping off limbs etc. But if you guys get into Putrajaya & chop off ex-politicians limbs for corruption, I don't think anyone will object. But I have doubts if our police can do a good job & nab guilty culprits - imagine nabbing an innocent guy & chopping off his limbs? How does one sew back his limbs if he was later found 'not guilty?"
Many non-Muslims support your party in GE12 but we cannot accept hudud law such as stoning, chopping off limbs etc. But if you guys get into Putrajaya & chop off ex-politicians limbs for corruption, I don't think anyone will object. But I have doubts if our police can do a good job & nab guilty culprits - imagine nabbing an innocent guy & chopping off his limbs? How does one sew back his limbs if he was later found 'not guilty?"
Komen Isac;
Patutlah posting-posting dari RPK yang tiada intergriti, penuh dengan fitnah, pembohongan dan serangan terhadap institusi negara dan orang Melayu mereka ni semua percaya dan pertahankan. Sebenarnya mereka ini sememangnya anti Melayu/bumiputera dan Islam....Mereka mempunyai agenda mereka sendiri. Kita yang sebenarnya buta...
Sampai bilalah orang-orang Melayu dalam Pas dan PKR nak sedar dan faham ??? Melayu/Bumiputera mesti bersatu!!!
Hahaha...aku tergelak besar macam tengok Mr. Bean The Series. Takut betul mereka dengan hudud.